Ad Extensions

Ad extensions make your ads stand out more and give them an edge over the competition. Through proper implementation and testing, ad extensions can be the difference between a campaign that breaks even and one with an impressive ROI.

Location Extensions

With this extension you can import your business location from your Google Places account. On mobile devices, this is especially powerful because the searcher can either “Click to Call” or “Get Directions”. Location Extensions can be used in conjunction with Call Extension if you want to use a unique number for source tracking.

Sitelink Extensions

This are links that appear beneath your search ads. You control the text and the destination URLs. You can have up to 6 sitelinks and you can now create Ad Group Level Sitelinks. Sitelinks only show when your ads appear above the natural listings (as opposed to beside the natural results). Sitelinks are great because they give searchers more options to go directly to pages they might be looking for, and also make your ads bigger, taking up more real estate on the results page.

Call Extensions

Businesses love it when the phone is ringing, and call extensions drive more calls because a searcher can call you right from the search results page.

Offer Extensions

If you’re trying to gain new customers, a discount offer could be an effective strategy. The searcher will click on the “Get Offer” link and then will then be able to see your offer code which they could use at check out or at a physical location.

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